February 07, 2006

Men of Lower Quality

Yesterday in my advertising class we were discussing the differences during each period of the twentieth century and how they have affected the marketing profession. During on of the periods there was a significant difference in advertising, because now women and people of color were considered consumers and were used as part of their target markets. As we discussed this our professor mentioned that women today have become more exigent when looking for men to date. I obviously had something to say about this, and here is what I think:
I do not believe that women have become more exigent when looking for men, I believe that the quality of men has lowered. In the past, colleges were full of men, men who were eager to prepare themselves for the future, today that is not the case. I don't know if this is happening in every country, but here in Puerto Rico there is a serious crisis when it comes to men. As I told my professor, next time you sit in a classroom observe, how many men are there in the class. In most of my courses, there are more women than men, and I don't really believe that it has to do with the women to men ratio. I believe it has to do to the fact that many men, not all of them!, lack ambition and commitment.
I don't know if I just have bad luck or I'm just simply a magnet for psychotic men and good for nothing, but I can't remember when was the last time I met a guy who was actually working towards building himself a "future." All I meet are men who are partying around (not that this is bad) and doing nothing useful!! I have got to tell you we women have it hard. Not only are there a few good men but now we have to be careful that he doesn't end up being gay and that he is actually doing something!!
I am totally in favor of the female liberation, but men are taking this to extremes. At the rate that things are going, men are going to be househusbands, and next thing I now I'll be proposing to my boyfriend. Can't their be a happy medium? I hate extremes!


Blogger Julio C. said...

Hay hombres balanciados pero lo que no hay es mujeres que les den un chance.
Mas sobre esto en mi blog :P

4:52 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

no quiero que tomes esto a mal, pero pienso que debes mirar un poco más a tu alrededor
1. no existe la palabra "exigent"
2. en mi universidad hay 1 mujer por cada 30 hombres, casi igual que en el colegio de Mayagüez
3.¿qué hay de malo en que las mujeres propongan matrimonio? men do it all the time and they don't die (deja la mentalidad machista)
4. creo que sería bueno ver a algunos hombres quedándose en casa al igual que las mujeres lo hacían antes (deja la mentalidad machista)

siento mucho ser el que te diga que te equivocas, pero tengo algo que decir, la realidad es que las mujeres están igualmente o más locas que los hombres. abre los ojos, tu mundo es limitado es hora de mirar más allá.

8:45 p.m.  
Blogger Julio C. said...

Siento mucho decirte que te equivocas. Embuste no lo siento nada lo disfruto para serte sincero. Pero la palabra "exigent" sí existe. Sale del verbo Exigency. Asignación, búscala en el diccionario. Te recomiendo el Oxford es muy bueno y tiene dibujitos por si te aburres.

9:43 p.m.  
Blogger La claridad que soñe said...

Para que sepas Mr. Know it All, la palabra si existe si quieres verificarla (http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/exigenty) de vez aprendes dos cosas hoy:
1. que la palabra si existe
2. No hables sin saber
Te tengo que decir, si las mujeres están locas o no realmente no lo sé ni me importa. A mi no me atraen las mujeres, así que su locura no vendría siendo un problema para mi. Por cierto no creo que mi mundo sea limitado, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Lo que escribi, es mi opinión si te molesto lo que escribí, "Bad Luck." Por cierto, te pregunto, ¿porque eres tan arrogante? Que tengas un buen día :D
Julio, gracias :D

8:40 a.m.  

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